everybody wants it right??
It's no surprise that those who don't like to have their pictures taken are the same people who feel they are not photogenic. Most of us can remember a time when we saw a picture of our self and wished we had looked better.
It's usually an important event, such as a wedding, birthday, reunion or public appearance when we can't avoid the camera. However you look at it, you're going to have your picture taken -- so it's best not to put up a fuss.
Yes, it is possible to make friends with the camera. Photographers, fashion designers, make-up artists and models all know the tricks of the trade. Everyone doesn't have that luxury, so we've got some handy tips to help you manipulate the outcome.!!!
It's no surprise that those who don't like to have their pictures taken are the same people who feel they are not photogenic. Most of us can remember a time when we saw a picture of our self and wished we had looked better.
It's usually an important event, such as a wedding, birthday, reunion or public appearance when we can't avoid the camera. However you look at it, you're going to have your picture taken -- so it's best not to put up a fuss.
Yes, it is possible to make friends with the camera. Photographers, fashion designers, make-up artists and models all know the tricks of the trade. Everyone doesn't have that luxury, so we've got some handy tips to help you manipulate the outcome.!!!
Put your Best Face Forward
Practicing good hygiene is not only good for your photos, it's good for your self-confidence. Show up with clean hair and flawless make-up. To reduce facial shine, try LancĂ´me Photogenic Foundation (oil-free formula) for great coverage and a matte finish.
Never try new makeup for the first time on the day of a photo shoot, unless a professional is hired to apply it. For indoor pictures, you may need to apply your eye shadow, blush and lipstick a little heavier than what you're accustomed to. Take them along in your handbag for quick touch-ups.
If you're teeth are getting a little bland, have your dentist whiten them up -- or plan ahead and use a home teeth-whitening kit for a dazzling smile. Keep in mind that orange and coral lipsticks have a tendency to make your teeth look yellow. If this is an issue, stick with pink, plumb or rose shades.
It's all in the Pose
Most people have a "good side" and a "bad side." If you haven't noticed this, you're lucky. However, by taking a close look at yourself in the mirror, you will probably discover that one side looks better. Maybe it's a scar on your face or the way your hair falls. When you learn which side looks better, you can angle yourself so that your best side is prominent. If you're posing for a casual group photo, be the first up there so you can choose your spot.
Accentuate your best features and pose your body in such a way to hide your flaws. You may feel silly, but you can practice posing in a full-length mirror. Rest assured, you're not the only one who has taken this approach.
Practice good posture. Sit and stand up straight. Present yourself with pride and it will be evident in the pictures. How you perceive yourself is how others will perceive you.
Practicing good hygiene is not only good for your photos, it's good for your self-confidence. Show up with clean hair and flawless make-up. To reduce facial shine, try LancĂ´me Photogenic Foundation (oil-free formula) for great coverage and a matte finish.
Never try new makeup for the first time on the day of a photo shoot, unless a professional is hired to apply it. For indoor pictures, you may need to apply your eye shadow, blush and lipstick a little heavier than what you're accustomed to. Take them along in your handbag for quick touch-ups.
If you're teeth are getting a little bland, have your dentist whiten them up -- or plan ahead and use a home teeth-whitening kit for a dazzling smile. Keep in mind that orange and coral lipsticks have a tendency to make your teeth look yellow. If this is an issue, stick with pink, plumb or rose shades.
It's all in the Pose
Most people have a "good side" and a "bad side." If you haven't noticed this, you're lucky. However, by taking a close look at yourself in the mirror, you will probably discover that one side looks better. Maybe it's a scar on your face or the way your hair falls. When you learn which side looks better, you can angle yourself so that your best side is prominent. If you're posing for a casual group photo, be the first up there so you can choose your spot.
Accentuate your best features and pose your body in such a way to hide your flaws. You may feel silly, but you can practice posing in a full-length mirror. Rest assured, you're not the only one who has taken this approach.
Practice good posture. Sit and stand up straight. Present yourself with pride and it will be evident in the pictures. How you perceive yourself is how others will perceive you.
Photographers know how important lighting is. If you're still reluctant, ask for a soft filter to flatter your facial features and tell him or her which angle you prefer. You hired them and it's their business to make you happy -- but always be open to suggestions. They know that the more pleased you are with your photos, the more you'll buy.
If you're having your pictures taken outdoors, avoid direct sunlight and don't squint. Unless it's a scheduled event such as a wedding, don't hesitate to reschedule an outdoor photo shoot if the weather isn't favorable. Rain, clouds and wind can ruin your chances before you've even begun.
The more poise you have, the more likely you are to look natural and show your best smile. The most attractive pictures are a result of someone who is comfortable around the camera and knows exactly what they want. This can be learned.
to get more exclusive and great picture,edit it @ photoshop or picasa or mn2 web site yg boleh edit your pic.but make sure u know about diz coz it can be lebih truk lg nanti.carefull or u can take a copy to try edit.kalau x mcm mn nak pandai...betul x??
hmmm...i hope u have learn a lot from diz tips.so wanna u try this??
the moment that we have cannot turning back..we always wanna looking good in all picture that we have snap together...
so make sure u practise it okey (^_^)
so make sure u practise it okey (^_^)
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