last 5o days a go....

Tanggal 26 dis 2006,tlh mencatatkan satu knangan dan pngalaman br dlm hidup aku.2 bln lalu,bile aku jmpe doktor..doktor suruh aku buat operation. dgr operation cam gmpak jerkk..padahal operation skit je. tlinga aku berlubang. yerr mmg argh tlinga berlubg tp ni gegendg tlinga berlubang. mmg dr kecik lagi dah berlubang start dr umur aku 6 bulan kot xingt lorr. gara2 pegi genting. haa dah start dah cte..sdiakan pop corn yerkk huhu..time tu cuaca tgh sejuk giler..abah ader keje dkat situ. mak bawak aku betol2 sbb nak bwk aku jln2. x sgka plak jd mcm ni.blik dr genting aku trus demam panas.mmg truk gile demam smpai tiap2 mlm aku asyik nangis jerr. sian mak ngan abah smpai x leh tdo sbb aku.satu mlm, tgh2 aku nangis, tetibe aku diam. mak aku plik la apsal la tibe2 boleh diam. tgk2 tlinge rupe2 nye dah menanah. kalo sape ader sakit mcm aku,mesti diorg paham.mmg sakit time mule2 nak pecah tu. tp bile dah pecah okey yg x tahan nye nanah akan sentiasa mengalir kluar. kalo korg nak rs camne,pegi msk dlm laut kat dasar plg daaaaaaalam skali. time tu korg akan dpt rasa ape aku rs. kekdg malu jgk sbb baunye mmg x tahan. tp nak bt mcm mn dah mmg sakit. lps dah lama, slalu check2 doktor,akhirnya nanah tu akan berhenti sdiri. dah byk klinik ngan hosp aku pegi utk check tlinge. klinik kat jln ipoh...kuantan specialist...hosp ukm ..and lasttt skali hospital pakar ampang puteri. ha kat sini la aku bedah tlinge aku. thanx la kat seme dr yg byk tlg aku dan ubat tlinge aku ni.thanxxxx byk2 mmmuuuaaahhh luv u'll...wah g2!!!ngeh..ngeh
**ucPn trime kaseh yg x thingga kpd DR. AMINUDDIN B. SAIM**
jasamu akan ku knang smpai ble2...

haaa...nie la time g genting tu. comel kan ak..haha prasaan tol!

Dulu stiap kali pegi jumpe dr.diorg mesti mskkan satu alat dlm tlinge aku utk sedut sgala bijih yg ade..haha[ape gelak2!!!korg xd ke??] then br la die semburkan satu ubat. haaaa....ubat ni sejuk skit. tp tlige kite akan berdengung la skit. haiiiiiiiiii dah xd da pgalaman tu.. rs rindu la bile sebut psl tlinge berlubang ni,teringt plak kat tok abah [datuk aku]. sedih bile kenangkan tp xpelah nk kongsi cite ngan korg. tok abah syg sgt kat aku. time aku slalu nangis setiap mlm die slalu dtg kat aku dan akan amik aku[ni ms baby lg la...]die sggup bgn mlm utk tgk aku. plg sedih skali,ktika die membuat haji di mekah, die pernah berdoa kpd ALLAH s.w.t spy beri sakit yg ade pd aku ni pegi dekat die. aku x prnh tahu pon cite ni kalo mak aku x cite kat aku.bile aku tahu,aku rs nak nangis kuat2,smpai rs nak meraung pon ade. tp apekan daya,time tu tok abah dah lama meninggal dunia. sedih sgt.waaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!seday nyerrrr ='''( sayanggggggggg tok abah sgt2. smoga roh dan jasad tok abah dirahmati olehNYA. al-fatihah...
oklah dah lari tjuk ni.ha...aku tlh msk specialist ampang puteri hospital masa mlm cristmas.seday ingt nak tgk byk cite nk wat cmne kene msk hosp. sblm msk hosp,abah bwk aku mkn dekat gerai yg slalu kite org mkn. abah ckp mkn puas2 sbb lps ni kene puasa.lps operate plak kena pantang. waaa!!!hate pantang. tp at least i berjaya pantg haha..ingt seng ke nak tahan nafsu makan ni. nti korg tau la bile beranak nti..haha.. mkn ikan kunyit jer..ikan pon ade jnis2 tertentu jerkk. nak msk hosp mlm cristmas pon jem.rmai oww..smpai blik single hbs.nsib baik las2 dpt gak. dah check in bilik[wah!!!cam hotel plak] mak ngan abah relax2 jap..pastu diorg blik.tinggal la aku sorg diri di situ.ngeh..ngeh jgn harap.kakak gue kak long yg tmankan aku.kite org punye boring smpai tkan t.v pnye remote byk kali.bosan dohh..lyn jelah cite kat t.v tu.time ni aku dah kena poser da.las2 msing2 dah tak larat trus tdo nak dkat2 pkol 5 pg gak la.
mak ngan abah smpai pg esknye kite org tido lg.haaaa dah mcm dok hotel plak.nurse msk blik glap peduli ape smbg trus tdo.kakak aku la.aku mls tdo sbb mak ckp nti kena bius mmg nyenyak gile.aku tkut nti aku puas plak tdo.tgu punye tggu lame gile nurse nak pgl suruh operate.jnji dlm kul 10 pg cam tu pkul 2 ptg br nurse smpai.tu pon br hntr bj bedah.pkul 2.3 aku dah kena bwk ke bilik bedah.huhu tkut juge la.yelah first time msk bilik bedah n first time nak kena operate.gubra jugak la.nsb baik tlinga je.bkn kena potong perut ke ape ke...heeeerrr idok la kawe'.hihi...dah la sblm msk hosp ni,cam terkena jerk sbb tgk medik tv time tu gak die tnjuk psl sakit yg sama.huh ketar lutut.nsb baik dah biasa tgk.
lps dah slm mak abah n k.long seme,nurse bt msk bilik tggu bedah.dup dap dup dap jntung ni.tkut gile.nurse tu psg la sgale wayar yg ade kat bdn aku ni.wayar jntg.dlm bilik ni ader psg radio oww..terkezut gak mule2.siap psg radio era.time tu aku ingt lagi lagu jinbara,kasihnya laila haha..dlm 1o minit gitu,dr bius dtg,dier ckp bwk bertenang..die akan bius aku kjap lg.lps tu katil aku kena tolak ngan nurse kat dlm bilik bedah kot.pastu dr bedah dtg kat aku.die ckp "adilah,relax...doktor nak bius ni".sblm bius die sruh mengucap 2 khalimah then selawat ke ats nabi pastu bc doa byk2.die amik tgn aku,die ckp sjuk gile.nak cari urat nadi pon ssh.bile die gosok2 bg pns br la ok skit.dr tu ckp jntg aku laju gile sbb tkut.ngeh..ngeh..pastu dan lg die wat lwk sbb nak bg aku hlg tkut.tgn aku bengkak sbb kena inject ari tu utk iCT..bengkak tgn aku.nsb baik dr ni x inject lg skali kat situ.pastu die ckp.."ha bengkak ni,sape buat..."hihi seme nurse gelak.mule2 die inject ape ntah org pgl...yg kalo org msk hosp mesti ade kat tgn untk sng inject tu..skit gak la.pastu dr tu inject satu ubat die mule2 msk tu terperanjat gak aku,ade la dlm 3-4 jarum.mcm2 wrna ada haha..okey gak la ubat yg mule2 ni..time die mskkan ubat yg kedua,rase je ubat tu mengalir dlm bdan aku ni.time tu aku dah x pikir ape dah.aku ingt tuhan,ingat mak abah..keluarga,pastu aku ingt pesan abah aku yg ckp ubat ni mmg akan puas tdo.lps tu aku pning sgt...las2 trus x sdar ape.
aku sdar2 pening2 gitu,time tu aku kat bilik tggu yg first2 td..pening siot pale aku.msih mamai lg time aku lwn.aku rs2 tlinge aku dah berbalut.ader gak ah rs skit tgang kat tlinge aku.mayb sbb jahit kot.pastu aku tgk jam.time tu nk dkat2 pkul 5 kot.x ingt dah.lg pon time tu msih mamai2 lg.nurse tu sdarkan aku.ckp aku dah slamat bedah tlinge ni.aku lega gile.alhamdulillah.pastu nurse tu bwk aku msk bilik.aku nmpk abah,mak n kak long tgh tggu.waa gembiranya.dah lm aku tggu saat2 mcm kata time sakit la nak tau yg mn baik ngan yg mn buruk org.tol x??? x lama tu mak ngan abah blik.kaklong still tggu aku.dlm kul 6.3 ptg gitu br la aku mkn.wah!!!lame gile aku time ni mmg x bes gile.dr mskkan air kat tgn aku.skit tgn aku n menyebabkan x selesa nak jer wat cptkan dos air tu bg cpt hbs.lmbt sgt.bile dah abis tu,ahhh rs lega x brape lega sgt sbb jarum tu msih ader kat tgn aku.isyyy benci nak je trik2.ok mkn time.arghhh xde selera lgsg nak nsib baik mak beli kari ikan.ade gak la rs.mkn hosp bes tp aku xd la kakak aku bedal semenya.pastu minum air milo..waa bes gile sbb tmbh ngan creamer..yummy.lg satu sbb mak aku yg wat.yelah air tgn ibu kan.ayah aku tnye puas ke tdo.aku ckp boleh la..sbb aku rs time aku x sedar tu mcm aku mimpi je.sbb tu bile sedar cam pening pale.aduihh x jgk merasa kenikmatan bius 100%.
mlm tu,aku xleh tdo cam tlinge ni penoh je ngan air.n kalo nak tau,lps je air tu di cabut dr tgn aku,aku trus tdo ats krusi.xbes lgsg tdo ats katil tu.kat siti ade krusi yg leh wat katil tu...aku ngan k.long tdo sesame kat situ.aku ckp kat k.long jgn sentuh tlinge aku dah ah..lps mkn tu aku terlena kjap.dah xleh tahan mata ni.maghrib aku terjage kjap.pastu tdo blik.pkul 10 terjage blik,aku tahan mata aku.aku trun dr katil.isyyhhh mcm bkn org sakit.borak2 ngan k.long aku jap.yelah kesian kat die ddk sorg2 dah la pnakot.pastu x leh tahan aku tdo blik.dah la tdo ats krusi,nurse yg dtg check tu nak tergelak jer bile tgk kite org.msk2 cari pesakit x aku biar la tdo ats krusi ni agak kras tp selesa.xpelah.aku asyik tdo jerkkk.nurse dtg mskkan ubat pon aku mamai2 lg.k.long ckp tdo la...jgn tahan.nti pening pale.aku ckp kuat tol ubat bius ni,smpai mlm pon x hlg lagi ubatnye.mlm tu br la aku rs puas gile tdo yelah sjak abis spm ari tu,tdo aku xmnentu lgsg.
keesokannye,tggu my dr iaitu dr.aminuddin saim,pakar mouth,ear & nose..dtg check aku.tggu die punye la lame nye.dr ni mmg alwayz bzzzz.ssh tol nak dating ngan die..haha.yg pasti dr ni mmg klaka gile..slamberr jerk orgnye.sporting.thanx doktor.lps jer die dtg check2,die kate leh blik rmh dah ptg tu.huh!!mcm x caye jerr...skajap jer dok hosp rupenye.3 hari 2 mlm jerkk..btol2 mcm percutian kan.haha..
skung tlinge ni dah okey da...cume tinggl bbrp jahit je lg x reput.tlinge ku udah baik skrg.tidak berlubg lagi.owh ye lupe nak ckp,sbnrnye dr tu amik sedikit isi kulit dr cuing tlinge utk tmpal lubg.that's why ade jahit.jd skung sblh tling,kalo korg prsan dah xd cuping.hihi xpelah jnji tlinge ni baik.termakbul doa tok abah.skung xd la ulang alik pegi hosp lg.lps ari tu last time what check out ngan dr sbb nk bkk kapas yg die smbat tu.die siap ltak kain sutera khas tau kat dlm ni.bkn skdr kapas nk tahan tulah.dua minggu dok pkai kapas cam tersumbat after dr bkk tu..harrrr lega.
okie do0kie,tulah alkisah nye last 5o days a go...wpun skjap tp ia satu catatan diari yg baru dlm hidup aku.aku dpt rs betapa besarnya kuasa illahi.dkat sini aku br knal sape yg btol2 syg aku,jaga aku.kat sini jg br aku tahu mcm mn suasana di dlm bilik operation n ape rs nye apbila diri kite hndak di bedah dan disaat kita pertaruhkan nyawa kite sndiri.n kat sini jgk lah aku blaja sdikit sbyk pengorbanan seseorg yg digelar manusia...END (^_^)

msk bilik bedah...takot!!!nurse tgh check butiran diri

afteR operatiOn alhamdulillah..[time ni tgh mamai lagi....=)]

*FaraH 22nd breep2X day*

Story kali ni lmbt skit coz sy bz...hihi bz la sangat.that was lyke my dream is become true.. x sngka dpt pegi besday farah breep2.that day is bez gilerrr.fan2 farah seme baik2 n mesra.sker kwn ngan diorg.baru first time jmpe dah mcm knal lama jerkk.nk permission pg ni punyerlah tkut nak mntak..akhirnyeee dpt jgk "green light" dr abah.smgt punye psl smpai cari baju baru hihi...yelah first time nak close ngan farah.
Msk je dewan flamingo rs tkut gile.yela mn knal sorg pon.nasib baik pg ngan kak long[my sis].kite org pnye tkut n excited smpai ambik gmbr pon shaking.nasib baik x seme.pastu bertuah plak dpt duduk btul2 blkg farah nye meja.wheee!!!sonok makin bertmbah.
Bile farah smpai,acara pon bermule...first2 lg dah ade kjutan.kalo last yer kejutan diorg nurul tp kali ni geng2 farah dlm durian runtuh farish and adi.diorg muncul dr blakang pentas.farah pon terkejut dan trus kedengaran gelak farah yg besar tu satu dewan hahahaha.lps tu biase la bacaan doa,ucapan presiden FFC ,then ucapan princess kite =) after dah abis ucapan2 ni..acara potong kek.kek farah d sponsor tp x smpt nak rase =( sbb sbuk tgk farah je hihi..bkn smbut besday farah je,kite org smbut skali ngan besday mak farah jugak.
Skung makan time.lauk die okey la.mcm2 ada.kambing,lembu,udang,ketam...seme la ade cukup..lgkp hihi.dessert die pn leh serius ckp xleh mkn kusyu' sgt sbb sbuk tgk farah jer ngan ade video yg di edit oleyhh cik rockin kiter.mmg bes ah slide die nak2 lg yg ucapan2 dr artis2 lain 4 farah.klakarr haha...slide ni mesti ah bes sbb cik rockin pkr edit kite yg wat,tul x??
smbil2 mkn lagi,kite org ade game.satu meja satu wakil.kena tiru gaya breep2 kite gelak.ahahahaha' bkn senang tau nk tiru.farish n adi kena wat klaka suruh bg diorg gelak agagaga.then adik farah deeno kena denda nyanyi coz x nk tru gaya gelak.then wawa kena smbg deeno nye challenge sbg ganti.wah bakat jgk miss PA kite ni erkk...superstar akan dtg la katakan huhu..nak challenge akak die kan.lps abis game kite ader lucky that night saya x sebertuah mn sbb no. x naik xpelah jnji dpt close wif farah wheee!!!!
After that,mizz breep2 kite bt performe kat pntas wif adi n farish.haha so klaka both of them time nyanyi lagu dealova tu.main2 jerrr.lps tu farah nyanyi lagu berdua lbih baik ngan one song from their album yg first n x lupe juge antara dua yeyy..bes sgt ms lagu berdua lbih baik ngan antara dua..happening gile.lps dah nyanyi 2 smbung lucky draw part 2.but ttp x lucky jgk.xplah xd rezeki org katerr.
Lps dah abis semua,autograph time.x sbr nk bergmbr ngan breep2 kite sy tggu dulu coz org rmai sgt.time tggu tu ape lg...snap time!!!!! pegi tgkp ngan adi,farish,wawa,amy,kak long kakak farah[tp gmbr die goyang],dak2 FFC rockin..k.mimi[nak tgkp ngan dak2 lain x knl].tgh2 tggu tu,pak anuar dtg tgur sy.sporting pak anuar ni.die tnye tnggl mn n plg bes loghat kedah ttp lekat taw.tggu punyer tggu smpai pon my turn.farah sign then amik gmbr ngan dunno what happen with k.long hand,asyik shacking je.nak marah gak tp nsb baik farah sporting.die x kisah amik gmbr byk kali.time amik gmbr ngan adi n farish pon agak goyang.gmbr farish ok tp gmbr adi la pg mntak byk kali amik gmbr.malu gak tp buat2 tatau dah la hehehe...kalo x mlepas nk amik gmbr ye dak??.adi n farish are so nice person.lps dah siap seme me n kak long x blik lg,kite org nak tggu seme btul2 dah abis br puas hati hihi..then dpt gmbr bersama2 ngan seme ajk n FFC wif farah.also dpt bergmbr ngan fadam fanatic.k.liza is to0 kewl.baik sgt n peramah org nye.lps farah dah blik baru la kite org seme balik....tepon abah,tp abah lmbt smpai sbb tersngkut ngan roadblock.smpai rmh nak dekat2 kul 2 a.m gak.wpun pnat yelah septg dok cari baju,blik trus pegi flamingo,tp rase heppy sgt=) wHeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
O0owwh lupe nk ckp kite org ader dpt bbrp dollgift dr diorg.dpt mamee slrrpppp,dpt perfume shahirah,n x lupe perl' cafe wif poster tu.n dari FFC dpt handcashift n tag guest.congrat 2 FFC especially ajk2 die yg mmg havocc n roxx ah..seme berjalan dgn lncr.hope dpt together gether ngan u'll lg nex time....2 farah::heppy besday dear,may ALLAH bless u n gud luck in ur career.
**gmbr lain seme ade @ my gallery k...enjoy**

wanna looking good in picture???...snap...

everybody wants it right??
It's no surprise that those who don't like to have their pictures taken are the same people who feel they are not photogenic. Most of us can remember a time when we saw a picture of our self and wished we had looked better.
It's usually an important event, such as a wedding, birthday, reunion or public appearance when we can't avoid the camera. However you look at it, you're going to have your picture taken -- so it's best not to put up a fuss.
Yes, it is possible to make friends with the camera. Photographers, fashion designers, make-up artists and models all know the tricks of the trade. Everyone doesn't have that luxury, so we've got some handy tips to help you manipulate the outcome.!!!

Put your Best Face Forward
Practicing good hygiene is not only good for your photos, it's good for your self-confidence. Show up with clean hair and flawless make-up. To reduce facial shine, try LancĂ´me Photogenic Foundation (oil-free formula) for great coverage and a matte finish.
Never try new makeup for the first time on the day of a photo shoot, unless a professional is hired to apply it. For indoor pictures, you may need to apply your eye shadow, blush and lipstick a little heavier than what you're accustomed to. Take them along in your handbag for quick touch-ups.
If you're teeth are getting a little bland, have your dentist whiten them up -- or plan ahead and use a home teeth-whitening kit for a dazzling smile. Keep in mind that orange and coral lipsticks have a tendency to make your teeth look yellow. If this is an issue, stick with pink, plumb or rose shades.

It's all in the Pose
Most people have a "good side" and a "bad side." If you haven't noticed this, you're lucky. However, by taking a close look at yourself in the mirror, you will probably discover that one side looks better. Maybe it's a scar on your face or the way your hair falls. When you learn which side looks better, you can angle yourself so that your best side is prominent. If you're posing for a casual group photo, be the first up there so you can choose your spot.
Accentuate your best features and pose your body in such a way to hide your flaws. You may feel silly, but you can practice posing in a full-length mirror. Rest assured, you're not the only one who has taken this approach.
Practice good posture. Sit and stand up straight. Present yourself with pride and it will be evident in the pictures. How you perceive yourself is how others will perceive you.

Photographers know how important lighting is. If you're still reluctant, ask for a soft filter to flatter your facial features and tell him or her which angle you prefer. You hired them and it's their business to make you happy -- but always be open to suggestions. They know that the more pleased you are with your photos, the more you'll buy.
If you're having your pictures taken outdoors, avoid direct sunlight and don't squint. Unless it's a scheduled event such as a wedding, don't hesitate to reschedule an outdoor photo shoot if the weather isn't favorable. Rain, clouds and wind can ruin your chances before you've even begun.

The more poise you have, the more likely you are to look natural and show your best smile. The most attractive pictures are a result of someone who is comfortable around the camera and knows exactly what they want. This can be learned.

to get more exclusive and great picture,edit it @ photoshop or picasa or mn2 web site yg boleh edit your pic.but make sure u know about diz coz it can be lebih truk lg nanti.carefull or u can take a copy to try edit.kalau x mcm mn nak pandai...betul x??

hmmm...i hope u have learn a lot from diz wanna u try this??

the moment that we have cannot turning back..we always wanna looking good in all picture that we have snap together...
so make sure u practise it okey (^_^)

persembahan ABP havocc!!!!

u'll mesti ade tgk ABP semlm right??cam thn2 yg lain...ABP still gempak.wpun xprnh pegi dan merasai suasana sbnrnye sy dpt rasakan kehangatannya.mmg meriah.dgn tajaan accessories dr habib fuhh mmg glam stuju dgn sorg artis ni(x ingt sape) yg die ckp laki2 mlm ni seme smart.mmg btol pun.wpun kelihatan skema ttp agak kmas sekali.tahniah ABP.
baru start,dah gmpak dgn lawak kak ogy ngan kak rs mmg padan la dua org ni...satu gabungan yg agak mnarik.pastu dgn penyampai pertama,apek as a cicak man dgn rosyam,huh lawak betol diorg ni!!mmg ptt pun dulu diorg mnang ABP paling popular.
sebut tang persembahan plak,mmg bes la.gempak.comeback ziana zain mmg x dijangka.suara maintain tu yg penting kening ttp sama,naik tu.gabungan 4 penyanyi lagu "diamond are forever"x lupe jgk..fuh mcm x percaye je.lps tu kluar plak amy search ngan v.e dgn lagu "rozana"..satu gabungan yg ckp menarik n first time sy tgk amy x nyanyi brape rock mlm tu (coz nak gayakan dgn v.e).lps tu plg syahdu bile tgk perform dr misha ngan nak nangis pon ade.mmg power suare diorg ni mlm tu nyanyi lagu "cinta".pastu terharu tgk misha peluk jack..dan semestinya persembahan plg gempak datuk siti nurhaliza,mmg dr dulu smpai skrg perform datuk siti is da bes.tmbahan lg skrg datuk siti slalu nyanyi skali ngan dance.fulamak bertambah gempak cuma penonton kat t.v rugi skit sbb ade tnjuk penghargaan sbb time tu datuk siti nyanyi las,mayb x ckp time.
tahniah kpd semua pemenang.utk datuk siti,dah 10 kali berturut-turut menang anugerah penyanyi wanita popular.kat faizal jgk,yg sentiasa senyum je time wat ucapan.dah kabo "senyum sokmo" dok :) n seme lah pemenang lain lagi.dan utk ABP paling popular..of coz la mawi raja undi kite yg mnang.apa2 pun tahniah kpd mereka
sy ade ltak beberapa video mlm tu,x seme la coz nti pnuh plak.k enjoy da video (^_^)

guys listen up...ladies speak up

hey i wanna tell u about what women want [www].it's not juz me but malaysian women want.saya tahu ada u all mesti ade tgk www right..diz show is WOW!! i tell u.sape tak tgk mmg rugi..haha.actually diz reality show is about to tell all da men about what malaysian ur all women in diz world want from men.
What Women Want is a reality show, which seeks to answer the long standing question. It was launched with a strong campaign to rally the women of Malaysia to send their answers, getting them excited from the onset. Bottom line, it's a show that will touch the nerve center of every woman.
13 pre-selected top contenders for the title will be put through weeks of tasks to women. They will be judged upon their manners, characters and innate abilities to perform when pressured with tasks that is so foreign and may at times, challenge their masculine personas.
At the end of the show, women all over Malaysia will have fallen in love with at least one of the men on the show.
A fixed jury of 3 females from all walks of life decide the fate of the contestants every week. We finally hear what the ordinary woman has to say. There will be an additional celebrity female juror every week - thus making it a total of 4 women discussing whether or not the particular contestant has what women want.
There will be 2 tasks per episode - one for rewards and the other for elimination.their task is like rock climbing,the race,salsa dance,cooking,singing,kayaking and more la.the winner for the task rewards can choose one ur two of their friend to join the reward together.
Elimination is task based. The task loser automatically becomes one of the 2 to be sent to the elimination room the next day.
The task winner gets to choose the other guy to be sent down. He has 1 night to come up with the decision (ensuring some bargaining and drama). Meanwhile, everyone gets ready and packs their bags for elimination day.
The jury convinced at the end of every episode and are given the difficult decision to see who of the bottom 2 should be eliminated after confronting the jury. the jury doesn't reveal their decision. The host is thformed and she takes it from there.

hannah t [host]

hannah tan is a malaysia's latest,hottest and sexiest rising celebrity!!she is so gorgeous damn looks...she is a model,host and the latest she a singer and was come out with new album "crossing bridges".

antara 13 pre-selected top contenders

Name:Hafiz (Mohd Hafiz Bin Adnan)
Weight:62 kg
Heights:173 cm
D.O.B:07th Feb 1982
Eye colour:Brown
Hair colour:Black
Hair length:Medium long
Occupation:Junior hairstylist (Since Aug 2004)
Personality:Independent,optimistic,well-mannered,responsible,self-reliance, sporty, friendly

*Can easily lose 4kg weight in 1 months if without any work-out.
*Likes Jack Chan & Steven Chow movie.
home cooking rather than abalone and lobster served.
*Loves animal and greens. So
honeymoon will definitely be in Africa or New Zealand.
*Always gives a extra smiles and extra "sorry"
*Favourite album: Enya collections and Green Day.

Name:Charles (Charles Brunold)
Birthday:2nd of December
Eye colour:Green
Hair colour:Brown
Studies:Master "Management of Human Resources"
Hobbies:Sports (futsal, gym...), movies (Memento, Amelie, Fight Club, Snatch, 25th hour...), languages (Mandarin, Spanish, French, English, Bahasa), music (Oldies, Dire Straits, Pink Floyd, Led Zepellin, Muse, Jeff Buckley, Ben Harper, George Clinton, Hendrix...)
Like:Daging Rendang, Futsal Tournaments, Travelling around without plans, without knowing where to go, girls...
Dislike:When I hit my little toe on the leg of my
bed when I just woke up, people to dont let me go off the lift, Materazzi
Misc:Very very Kia Su (more than Singaporians), tends to do what he is not allowed to do :),?full of sarcasms, Non smoker...

He loves candy, marshmellows are his favourite

Name:Christian (Christian Neal Capes)
DOB:6th March 1983
Eye colour:Brown
Hair colour:Black
Hair length:Short

I'm 23 years old and studied BA Human Resources at Hertfordshire University in 2005 and also International Business in Oslo, Norway. I'm naturally quite friendly and down to earth with a touch of cheekiness thrown in! My big passion in life is seeing the world and I'm also very much into my music and movies. I also
love theme parks and adrenalin fueled activities...still waiting to one day go to Disneyland...the big kid in me has to come out! I appreciate being here in this world and I like to live my life without regrets.

Name:Nicholl (Nicholl Eruthiaraj)
D.O.B:20th November 1984
Eye colour:Dark brown
Hair colour:Black
Hair length:Short
Hometown:Bukit Mertajam

Occupation:Final year food science student @ UCSI
Hobbies:SINGING! FUTSAL! Watching football, Liverpool! eating
Personality:Sarcastic, thoughtful, caring, extremely neat, fussy, not on time

Ever dare to put BM down and you'll get it from me! I have one younger sister (love her to bits) who is currently doing lower six in HSBM. I, on the other hand, am a final year food science student at UCSI. My dad is a foreman at MSM(sugar factory) and my mom works as a chef at a little caf¨¦ in BM. I admit that I am a mommy's boy and I am quite a family person.
My hobbies are simple. I absolutely love singing and I always try to sing whenever and wherever I can to try to improve myself. This includes the shower of
course hahaha. I prefer singing rock because I think it's my forte but I am open to other genres of music as long as I think it's nice. My current role model would definitely be the great Lukas Rossi. He is ¡®the man' if you get what I mean ahah. I am currently attached to a group named the Fourtones (we are not a boy band mind you!). Our album will be out later next year and you'll be seeing and hearing more of us then.(at least I hope that would be the case). So do keep an eye out for us! Other than singing, I love playing futsal. I try to play as often as I can. Hey! I have a mean left foot so don't mess with me! I started playing football thanks to my dad. He used to play football himself and boy was he good.And of course, which straight guy wouldn't love watching a good soccer game? VIVA LA REDS! Liverpool is the only reds around! Ahaha. My other hobbies would probably be eating. I love eating and I have a thing for food. My nickname for myself is D'glut. Go figure where that originated from. That's one of the main reasons as to why I am studying food science. I also like to hang out with my friends. Get a ¡®yumcha' session midweek or so just to chill and catch up. Occationally I'll meet up with some ¡®hot ladies' for a drink or two or for a dance session out in kl. Oh and I'm always gamed for a good concert or rave.
??My personality? Well, one thing's for sure, I am a very neat person. Everything must be neat and tidy. My room is never messy. And I get really frustrated with my housemates for they never clean up the house! (How irresponsible and inconsiderate of them!) That aside, I'm sarcastic, but you should meet charles haha. he'll blow your mind with his own brand of sarcasm. My bad traits would probably be not being on time. Well, you cant blame me, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do (which is to look good, duh!) and being indecisive. At times you can call me impatient. Some things a person just cant tolerate! (We have limits you know) But I'm pretty sure I am a thoughtful and caring person. I've been told that I'm a great friend( at times ). So there you go, another good trait of mine. I can be shy at times, especially when it comes to meeting new people. But after the show, things have changed and I kinda opened up a little. I might still get a little shy around the ladies but other than that I think I'm good. I like experiencing new thing. It is always fun to try out something new for you'll never know what new interest you may find (or rather, who you might meet ). Like how I never thought I'd ever end up on a show like this and look how far I've come.
Okay, down to the nitty details. My absolute favorite cuisines would be steak, pizza, yam rice and kuay teow basah (come to BM and I'll prove my point!). My favorite drinks would be vanilla coke, milk shake and teh ais. I don't have a favorite colour.
My most embarrassing moment would be when I forgot my lyrics at the Malaysian Idol auditions. I swear I could remember the lyrics before I went up there! But I'm glad I made top 75. Some people might remember me for being the guy that made a girl cry her eyes out but hey, its all in good experience! My happiest moment would be when I scored a superb (hehe I DO have bragging rights! Just ask anyone that was there that day!) goal from midfield when I was in high school. We were having an inter-school match and boy was that ever my best goal yet! Sadly I don't get to play on a proper field anymore though I doubt I'd still have my stamina. My saddest moment would definitely be when I got ditched. I couldn't accept it than but I'm well over it now. Best thing is, we're still friends!

**Diz is certain contestant.nak show yang lain byk i pilih yg mana peserta yg betul2 menyerlah n kire top 4 la except nicholl who is in top 6.contestant yg paling i minat is hafiz (^_^).he is so kind person and always do the best in their task.i like him so much hi..hi..he's so cute[especially when he's smile] n always think about other people means that he not a selfish person.i think he is what women want...but we dont no lagi.just wait n watch it on 8tv,10.30 p.m every thursday.wah!!promote...
last but not least...diz is video from hannah t from her new single in album "crossing bridges",fly on your wall wif 13 pre-selected top contender...ENJOY

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